EC Touch Software


ECTouch Software Page (Info Banner)

ECTouch is the front end EPOS software for processing sales and has been designed with ease of use in mind. ECTouch is currently being used in manyHospitality, Retail and Dry Cleaning environments.


Features of EC Touch Software

  • Plug & Play compatible with most EPOS units
  • Operator Security
  • View & Print Previous Sales
  • Stock Control
  • Order Printing / Ticket Printing
  • 64BitSoftware
  • Easy Programming
  • Attractive Bill Printing
  • WiFi Networking available
  • Rear Customer Display

Use with almost any hardware, Save Time at the till with Management Reports to maximise Sales Revenue. Easy Programming but we customise it to your bespoke business compatible with a range of different peripherals. DIY can run without support package. Connect tills across site with Back Office functionality.

What is the best compatible back office EPOS software for ECTouch?

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ECPos back office software automatically collects detailed sales information from ECTouch via the internet or direct connection. File transfer communication help to maintain your ECTouch terminal from anywhere in the world.  You can view the reports, manage the stock and update your products at any time.

Is ECTouch EPOS Software designed to suit my food delivery business?

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Food delivery software that incorporates caller ID and post code address finder with full customer history.

I need multiple screen display, can ECTouch EPOS Software do this?

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Combined with ECTouch you can now run a customizable second screen to display your current offers and advertisement as well as sales details.

How can I link my waiting staff’s orders to my kitchen with ECTouch EPOS Software?

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Add a Kitchen Video System that is fully integrated with ECTouch software. With this system installed you will immediately enhance the productivity and efficiency of your kitchen. At a glance both Chef and staff can monitor orders as well as the status of orders.

Can my ecommerce website sync with ECTouch EPOS Software?

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With our integrated Online Ordering your customers can order direct from your website with no commission paid to third party company, the order will then be captured and printed by ECTouch.


Phone us today for a non obligation demonstration